Author: Gustavo du Mortier
Gustavo du Mortier is a functional and data analyst at MasterSoft, an Argentinean software company specializing in ERP and healthcare solutions. He’s written many books and articles on different aspects of programming and databases. In his spare time, he plays guitar and helps his two sons build and enhance their gaming computers.
Database Design for a Learning Management System
In this guide, you’ll find all the necessary steps to create the perfect database design for a learning management system.
A database design for a learning management system must be able to gather and relate information about courses, course categories, students, course enrollments, teachers, classes, attendance, exams, and scores. Once you have this information in a database, you can use it to query relevant data and obtain all kinds of analytics, such as attendance rates per course and per teacher, pass rates, and score averages.
How to Draw a Database Schema from Scratch
“The discipline of writing something down is the first step toward making it happen”, said Lee Iacocca, the famous automobile executive. So if you want a thorough database schema, you should start by writing it down.
Database designers can suffer from blank page syndrome – the problem writers have when they don’t know how to start a novel. But luckily, we designers can go down a more methodical path. Unlike writers, we don’t need to wait for a sudden inspiration to propel us forward.
What Is the Best Online Database Diagram Tool?
To choose the best data modeling tool, you must evaluate many features and programs. In this article, we‘ll compare the key offerings of several popular database modelers.
Data modeling is all about documenting the information design underlying a software system. Data is modeled using a diagram with text and symbols that represent how the data should flow. (This is usually an entity-relationship diagram, or ERD.) The diagram can be used as a starting point for building a new database or for re-engineering an existing database.
What is the Difference Between a Database Designer and Data Analyst?
Database designers work with data structures and data flows, while data analysts extract insights from huge amounts of data. Both careers have similarities and differences, and pros and cons. Read along to decide which one is the best fit for you.
Do you like data, but find it hard to decide how you prefer to work with it? You have (at least) two paths to choose from: be the one who designs the structures to store and process the information, or be the one who analyzes large volumes of data in order to extract the truths hidden in them.
When to Choose SQL vs. NoSQL Databases for Your Project
NoSQL databases promise flexibility and performance benefits for certain use cases. But is it worth leaving behind the relational database comfort zone that guarantees consistency and organization? Read on and find the answers to the NoSQL vs. SQL database debate.
We probably all agree on the most basic definition of what a database is: a repository of information organized in such a way as to make it easy to update, search, and read.
Best Practices for Designing a User Authentication Module
With the database design techniques explained here, designing a user authentication data model to support a rock-solid user authentication system is a breeze.
The design of an application should specify mechanisms to prevent unauthorized users from entering it. Such mechanisms are commonly designed in an authentication module. This is like how the design of a house ideally defines the security measures that prevent intruders from entering the building, in addition to defining the functionality of the house.
How Much Does a Database Designer Earn?
If you have chosen to pursue a career as a database designer, I have good news for you. You can aim for a good salary. With time and experience, you may get an even better salary!
Reports of the IT market for database designer jobs often vary in salary and growth prospects. But even the most pessimistic analysts agree on good to very good salaries and growth in demand. This makes the prospect for a database designer even better 5 years into the future.
4 Tips for Troubleshooting DDL Import in Vertabelo
Read these troubleshooting tips before using the DDL import option to generate data models in Vertabelo. Avoid running into potential errors that waste your valuable designing time.
Few data modeling tasks start from a blank sheet of paper. More often, we work on a pre-existing database.
You don't want to draw an ERD of an existing database from scratch. But I don’t have to tell you that. This task is much simpler and infinitely faster with a modeling tool that can load the database structure using a DDL import feature.
Best Practices for Multi-Language Database Design
To implement multi-language support in your data model, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. This article will show you the different ways to do it and help you choose the one that works best for you.
The concept of localization is vital to the development of a software application, particularly when that application’s scope is global. Support for multiple languages is the main aspect to consider; a database design that supports a multi-language application allows you to diversify your target markets and thus reach many more customers.
5 Important Database Concepts for the Software Engineer
If you have this guide at hand at all times, you don’t need to distract your database experts every time a data need arises during a software development process.
Software engineering jobs are a good fit for people capable of dealing with diverse concepts. These concepts range from requirements analysis, team leadership, project management, scripting languages, testing techniques, to continuous integration, just to name a few. Then, there are a bunch of important database concepts for a software engineer to know: normalization, denormalization, SQL, No-SQL, ERDs, query optimization, etc.