Author: Gustavo du Mortier
Gustavo du Mortier is a functional and data analyst at MasterSoft, an Argentinean software company specializing in ERP and healthcare solutions. He’s written many books and articles on different aspects of programming and databases. In his spare time, he plays guitar and helps his two sons build and enhance their gaming computers.
How to Migrate Your Database
Migrating a database between two different schemas involves serious risks to data integrity and application availability. Read this article to learn data migration best practices and ensure satisfactory results.
Database schemas are constantly evolving. This evolution can be a consequence of many reasons, including version changes in an application that uses the database, refactoring processes to improve database design, or the integration of different applications.
As database designers, we commonly face the challenge of migrating a database to a new schema.
Database Design Patterns for 2024
In 2024 and beyond, new types of applications will require you to refresh your arsenal of data modeling techniques. Find out what challenges you will face and what database design patterns you can use to overcome them.
It is often said that just when you think you know all the answers, the universe comes along and changes all the questions. The universe of database design is no exception. Just when you think you have all the knowledge you need to design any type of database, new types of applications appear that pose new challenges for database modeling.
Universal and Timeless Database Design Patterns for 2024 and Beyond
Choosing the right data model pattern is the best way to avoid mistakes and bad decisions when creating a new database schema. To make the right choice, browse through this catalog of current database design patterns and choose the one that best suits your project requirements.
Database design patterns are a useful tool to avoid the task of reinventing the wheel with every new database design you face. Since each design pattern offers proven solutions to common needs, it is just a matter of choosing the right pattern and saving yourself the trouble of starting from scratch.
How to Design a Database: Tips and Best Practices from Our Experts
Having a guide of best practices for database modeling always at hand will help you improve the quality of your work. Read the tips and advice in this article to put together your own list of best practices. Then put it where you can see it every day.
When you find yourself needing to perform a task that you have never done before, it is always useful to read the advice of someone who has already done it hundreds or thousands of times.
How to Create a Data Model for a Data Warehouse
When faced with the task of creating a warehouse data model, you must understand that the ultimate goal is to create a strategic business tool – not just a simple database. Keep this in mind and read on to find out how to build a successful model for a data warehouse.
A data model for a data warehouse (DW) is a conceptual representation of the structure and relationships between the data elements that make up the DW.
Why Your Company Needs a Database Modeling Tool
Why do companies use data modeling tools? The short answer: To save costs, gain efficiency and stay competitive in their market. In this article, you’ll learn about all the benefits your company can reap by investing in a leading database modeling tool.
Good database modelers need only one tool: their knowledge and ability to conceive data models that solve real-world problems. Eventually, they need to translate their designs into artefacts that help communicate ideas and concepts.
The Complete Guide to Database Modeling Techniques
Would you like to have all the essential data modeling techniques in one place? Look no further than this comprehensive guide! You’ll find everything you need to build efficient, robust, and scalable databases.
Data modeling techniques are used to carry out data modeling in a methodical and organized manner. But what exactly is data modeling?
The data modeling process is about building data models – an activity that we could compare to building housing complexes (with a little bit of imagination).
Top 12 Database Design Principles in 2023
A well-designed data model must support database integrity, performance, scalability, and security. To achieve these qualities, pay attention to the top 12 database design principles explained in this guide.
Database design principles are essential to creating efficient, reliable, and scalable databases. A database created following these fundamental design principles ensures that its data will be stored in it in an organized and structured manner. It will facilitate database administration and allow users to obtain accurate results.
Top 11 Best Practices for Database Design
What are the most important commandments of database design? Find out in this article! Make sure that every one of your designs meets these set of best practices for database design and your database will always run smoothly and swiftly.
To become a database designer, you must invest a lot of time and effort. To learn database design, you must take courses, get a degree, read books, keep up with the latest trends, and practice a lot.
Ecommerce Database Design: ER Diagram for Online Shopping
If you need an ER diagram for an online shopping system, look no further. In this article, you will get a complete database model for online shopping as well as a step-by-step guide to building it. We’ll also talk about some ideas to extend the model.
An ER diagram is a blueprint for creating the foundations of any application that uses information stored in databases. Data modelers use the ER diagrams like architects use their drawing boards: on an empty canvas, they place the elements that make up the structure of what they are going to build.