Author: Radu Gheorghiu
Radu works as a full-time data engineer. He loves SQL and anything data-related. In his spare time, he likes to put his data to work by building data pipelines. He even trains machine learning models to predict the best time of the day to drink his coffee. He also enjoys helping others and sharing his knowledge on our blog and Stack Overflow.
What Is a Database Schema?
A database schema is used to define the structure of the tables and the relationships among them, the data types, and the constraints in a relational database. Sometimes, the word schema is synonymous with the entire database. In this article, we go through the concepts that define a database schema and how these concepts are represented in Vertabelo.
A database schema is the logical ordering and organizing of the elements and the data in a database.
The Difference Between Entities and Attributes in a Data Model
The entity-relationship model is composed of different elements. The most important types of elements are the entities and their attributes. In this article, we go into detail about the distinction between them, the role they play in a data model, and the steps to create them in Vertabelo.
What Is Data Modeling? Data modeling is carried out by a database architect or database modeler. It is the process of creating a diagram that lists the set of data structures that are going to be the data backbone of a software application.
5 Data Modeling Techniques
Different scenarios call for different data modeling techniques for the greatest benefit. Knowing what type of data model to create is very important. Applying the right technique saves you a lot of headaches and avoids common errors. We go into a bit of detail about what these techniques are and how they are applied.
What Is Data Modeling? Data modeling involves building a diagram that represents the data structure to support a new software application.
Data Modeling Basics in 10 Minutes
Every software developer should know how to design a basic data solution to store application data. In this article, we’ll take you step by step through the basics of data modeling.
By the end of the article, you‘ll understand the main phases of database modeling and the types of questions you need to ask when designing a data solution. This introduction to data modeling basics will hopefully spark your curiosity and show you that database modeling is an exciting challenge.
Working With Vertabelo Editor Features
Vertabelo lets you be productive in data modeling by providing a good view of the entire data model. For situations when the screen real estate is not sufficient or just not enough to see the entire data model, the Vertabelo editor features adjustable UI elements to help you no matter what screen size you use.
Whether you’re a seasoned database designer/architect or you’re just beginning, your tool belt has a data modeling tool.
What Are the Types of Indexes in a Relational Database?
Using database indexes is one of the easiest ways to improve the overall performance of a database, more specifically query performance, if you select the right type. Knowing the types of indexes in SQL is very important since different indexes provide different benefits. We review commonly used indexes from the most popular RDBMS and explain when to use them.
What Are Database Indexes? A database index is an additional data structure created on top of the data in a table.
What Is Denormalization?
Denormalization in databases is an optimization technique for improving the performance of certain queries. We may need to apply denormalization when the usual normalization incurs some performance penalties. This is often the case when the data volume has changed but we cannot extend the database resources anymore.
Denormalization aims to improve query performance in a database. When data volume grows, we may not be able to extend the database resources anymore.
What Does a Database Designer Do?
A database designer’s job is to translate the client’s business requirements into a data model that not only stores the business data correctly but also supports the processes that use the data.
A database designer, sometimes called a database architect or a data officer, is responsible for designing the databases in an organization. He/she carefully evaluates the business requirements and drafts the data models. Then, initial discussions with the business occur to validate the understanding of the data and the business processes.
What Does Cardinality Mean in a Database?
Cardinality in an SQL database isn’t just a number representing rows in a table. It also has an impact on query performance. Learn how database cardinality works in this article.
Cardinality is a term that originates from mathematics – more specifically, from relational algebra. But the term isn’t limited to the mathematical field; it also has implications in the world of databases. In this article, we will do a dive deep into this topic and explain cardinality in SQL databases and how it impacts your queries.
What I Don’t Like About Database Modeling
Database modeling has its best practices and its guidelines. But even if you follow all the rules, sometimes things don’t work out. Here’s what I find challenging about database design.
Database modeling is the process through which a database developer or architect creates a data model for an application. The data model they create will describe the structure of the database, including the tables, the relationships between tables, and the data that’s stored in the database.