Author: Gustavo du Mortier
Gustavo du Mortier is a functional and data analyst at MasterSoft, an Argentinean software company specializing in ERP and healthcare solutions. He’s written many books and articles on different aspects of programming and databases. In his spare time, he plays guitar and helps his two sons build and enhance their gaming computers.
Top 21 Database Modeling Interview Questions for 2023
Applied for your dream job as a data modeler? You now need to get ready for the interview. We have a list of the most common data modeling questions, grouped into theoretical questions, basic technical questions, and advanced technical questions. Go to the interview well-prepared.
The need for organizations to collect and interpret large volumes of information is constantly growing. Meeting this need requires well-designed data models for agile and efficient databases.
How to Learn Database Design in 2024
The variety of ways to learn database design is enormous. Books, courses, blogs, forums, videos… the list goes on. Our recommendations will help you choose the option that best suits your needs
The number of database design learning options is enormous, but there is also a great variety in terms of the money, time, and effort that you must dedicate to them. There are free learning options and very expensive ones; there are some that only take a couple of hours of your time and others that require months of study.
How to Model a Ternary Relationship in an ER Diagram
When you design a conceptual data model, a ternary relationship can be useful to represent how three entities are related. But eventually, you will have to decompose it into a series of binary relationships, or you won’t be able to implement it in a database.
When we model data, we usually draw rectangles that represent entities and then establish relationships between them, drawing lines that go from one entity to another.
What Is a Weak Entity and How Do I Denote It in an ER Diagram?
Although its name could suggest otherwise, a weak entity can be very useful for properly modeling a database. In this article, we’ll study examples of weak entities and learn how to use them to improve your data modeling skills.
If you are about to design a data model, you probably already know what entities are and how they are represented in a diagram. If not, you can read about entities in Vertabelo’s logical model documentation.
Where to Find Database Schema Examples
Database schema examples are easy to find. But not all of them will meet your needs. Here’s how to find helpful examples of database design.
Database schema examples are easy to find. A Google search will return millions of results. The problem is that you don’t need millions of sample database models. You need at most two or three that solve your specific needs. What you should look for is a curated list of database schema examples and learning resources.
7 Tips to Improve Your Database Diagram Layout
A neat, well-organized database diagram is more than just eye candy. It can also increase team productivity by facilitating the understanding of a data model and reducing meeting and training times.
A database diagram serves multiple functions. On one hand, it is the foundation for creating the structure of an operational database in a database management system. On the other hand, it is a communication, documentation, and guidance tool that must endure and evolve over time.
7 Useful Database Diagram Examples
Don’t suffer from blank sheet syndrome when you have to create a new data model. Explore the ready-to-use database model examples we offer here and you will surely find the inspiration you need to kickstart your design.
When you have to create a data model to solve a need common to many businesses, it is almost certain that many designers have done it before. You can learn from what they have done so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Best Practices for Database Schema Name Conventions
Assigning names to objects in your database is not a trivial task. This list of best practices for naming conventions in data modeling will help you do it the right way.
The task of designing a database schema is similar to that of creating the plans of a building. Both are carried out by making drawings in an abstract, theoretical framework. But they must be done with the understanding that these drawings will later become robust structures that support large constructions – in one case, constructions made of solid materials; in the other, constructions made of data.
A Detailed Guide to Database Schema Design
When you don't have a guide, certain tasks seem more difficult than they really are. In this article, I offer you a complete database design guide so you won’t get lost when trying to build a robust and effective database.
A database schema is basically an abstract concept. Even so, it’s better to think of it as a practical tool that helps you create structures to turn large amounts of data into something useful.
What Is a Database Diagram?
A database diagram is essentially an abstract graphical representation of the structure of a database. It can be used both as a tool to assist in the design of a database and as a document that shows the structure of an existing database.
You can think of a database diagram as a poster that you stick on a wall for programmers to look at when they need to know the name of a table or column.