Tag: Physical Data Model
What Are the Different Types of Data Models?
A data model determines the logical structure of a database. It helps you find possible design issues before implementing and deploying the database. However, there are different types of data models which are used for different things. That’s what we’ll discuss in this article.
The first step you should do when creating a new database is to model it. There are some basic principles that should be followed in this case.
How to Choose a Good Primary Key
In an SQL database, the primary key is an essential part of any table. Choosing the right primary key for each table requires us to take different factors into consideration if we want to guarantee simplicity, adaptability, and performance.
A primary key (PK) is a specific type of database constraint. It guarantees that the column (or columns) that are part of it do not accept NULL values and that the value (or combination of values) entered for each row is unique.
8 Things to Consider When Creating a Physical Data Model
Designing a clear physical data model can be challenging – especially when you don’t stop to consider these eight critical areas. Get our expert tips on creating a better physical model.
A physical model is the technical implementation of a logical data model. It has a higher level of detail and is specifically created for a particular database vendor, taking into account that database management system’s technical features and restrictions.
How to Create Physical Diagrams in Vertabelo
So you don't like writing all of your SQL CREATEs by hand? Design your database with Vertabelo and let it generate the SQL file for you!
As you may already know, there are three different levels of data models: conceptual, logical, and physical data models. The conceptual model is the most abstract, while the logical model has a few more technical details. The physical data model defines all the details needed for a specific database: column data types, primary and foreign keys, constraints, indexes, sequences, views, and other physical objects.
What Are Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models?
Depending on the purpose, we may need to create either a conceptual, logical, or physical data model. Find out the differences and use cases for each one.
Data modeling implies identifying and defining entities and their relationships for a business solution. It requires a good understanding of the desired business outcome and is the foundation for creating a robust software solution.
The different model types (conceptual, logical, and physical) have different levels of detail and are used at different stages of the software development process.
Vertabelo Feature: Amazon Redshift Support in Vertabelo
Find out how to design an Amazon Redshift schema in Vertabelo.
Thanks to increasing volumes of data, analytical databases like Amazon Redshift are gaining market. We introduced Redshift support at the end of 2019; in this article, we will explain how to design a Redshift data model using Vertabelo.
How to Create a Model Let's start with the data model creation process. To create a Redshift schema, please:
Log into Vertabelo and click on Create new document.
How to Generate a Physical Diagram from a Logical Diagram in Vertabelo
Have you finished preparing your logical data model in Vertabelo? Awesome! In this article, we'll show you how to generate the physical data model from the logical model in Vertabelo. It’s just a few clicks away. Ready? Let's dive into it.
Quick Intro In this article, we'll deal with a slightly modified version of Microsoft's Northwind Database. We often use it in our LearnSQL courses, such as Customer Behavior Analysis in SQL.
How to Implement a Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Model in Vertabelo
This article will lead you through the differences between the conceptual, logical, and physical data models. It will also show you how to create each one.
What are conceptual, logical, and physical data models? What do they do, and what are the differences between them? That’s what I’ll answer in this article. It won’t be only theory; I’ll also show you how to create different data models using Vertabelo.