Author: Emil Drkušić
Database designer and developer, financial analyst.
A Database Model for Gallery or Museum Management
What kind of database model does it take to run a gallery or museum? How can it be optimized to manage events, partnerships, and other activities?
When I think of a gallery or museum, I usually think of a peaceful place where you can hang out for hours, looking at interesting or beautiful things. Personally, I enjoy visiting the Technical Museum in Zagreb, which has cool exhibits like old cars, fire trucks, submarines, trams, and trains.
A Project Management Data Model
Project management is a booming field. In this article, we’ll examine a data model to support a project management app.
Project management is anything but an easy task. You are limited in many ways – materials, costs, human resources, and project deadlines spring to mind – but it’s still up to you to deliver a result on time.
If you think of building a pyramid, you can easily conclude it was a case of project management!
A Database Model for Action Games
In previous articles, we’ve discussed data model that could run card games, board games and even MMO games. In this article we’ll move to the next level and develop a model that can store results of an “action” game.
Let’s get started!
Before We Start Modeling Before we get into designing the database, we need to know some background on the type of games we’re dealing with and what they will require.
A Database Model for a Freelance Job Platform
Many freelancers find projects on online job platforms like Upwork and Freelancer. What kind of database model powers these sites? Let’s take a look ...
If you’re not a freelancer, you probably know somebody who is. Working anytime and from almost anywhere is very attractive, and thanks to online freelancing sites, it’s a real possibility. And we’re not talking about just IT-related jobs like programming and project management. Freelance jobs include teaching, writing, composing music, illustrating, and design.
A Database Model for a MOOC Platform
If you ran a MOOC online learning platform like edX or Coursera, how would you keep it organized? In this article, we’ll look at a database model that would do the job.
You’ve probably heard of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), a trending way to learn online. And if you haven’t, think of a MOOC program as university subjects with all materials, tests, and feedback available online. Two of the most popular online MOOC providers are Coursera (founded by Stanford University) and edX (founded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University).
A Database Model for a Taxi Service
Call them taxis or cabs, these convenient rides for rent have been around for centuries. Nowadays, it’s a lot more complicated to run a taxi service. In this article, we’ll look at a database model designed to meet the needs of a cab company.
The history of “calling a cab” began in 17th century London. In most places, cabs are more affordable than ever. They are also becoming a lot more accessible: we can order a taxi by phone, via mobile applications, or on the Web.
A Database Model to Manage Appointments and Organize Schedules
Today’s most popular services may well be the ones where people sell their time. Many of these services are largely based on human contact: psychologists, tutors, dentists, hairdressers, etc. In these professions, the saying that“Time is money” is literally true. Therefore, these professionals need to be organized.
True, you don’t absolutely need an application to be organized. But the right app can make your life much easier, improve client satisfaction, and make your business better in general.
What Do the Olympic Games, UEFA Euro 2016 Football Matches, and Databases Have In Common?
On hearing what I do, people tend to ask me the same question: Can you develop a system that predicts football match results? Or Olympic medal outcomes? Personally, I don’t put much faith in predictions. Still, if we had a large amount of historical data and relevant indicators, we could certainly design a system to help us come up with more accurate assumptions. In this article, we’ll consider a model that can store the results of matches and tournaments.
Database Modeling Tips
When you were learning database concepts, data modeling looked pretty easy, didn’t it? You knew all the rules, and modeling seemed like a game: get a challenge, do your best, and eventually solve it. Job well done! Moving up to the next level – and so on. As you continue, though, you’ll see that database modeling is also an art. Many cases require a totally new approach. Everything can be done ‘by the book’, but sometimes you get better results when you go less orthodox.
Improve Your Financial Reporting With Data Warehousing
Financial institutions, especially banks, usually have really large datasets. To use that data, it must be stored in such a way that it is easily available for generating reports. The trend now is to use a data warehouse to store all your relevant data, and to use smaller data marts (subsets of the warehouse) to keep specific data sets in a convenient place.
But where to start? In this article, we’ll look at one possible solution, similar to a project I worked on in the past.