Author: Tihomir Babic
Database designer
Vertabelo’s Document Structure: How Documents and Models Are Organized
Make data modeling even easier by understanding Vertabelo’s document structure and how the program organizes documents and models.
To feel comfortable when modeling data, you must be familiar with your data modeling tool. In this case, it’s Vertabelo.
For starters, it’s important that you know how the main structure of documents works and what it looks like in Vertabelo. This includes knowing what types of documents are available, how they can be organized, and the purpose of every folder.
How to Implement a Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Model in Vertabelo
This article will lead you through the differences between the conceptual, logical, and physical data models. It will also show you how to create each one.
What are conceptual, logical, and physical data models? What do they do, and what are the differences between them? That’s what I’ll answer in this article. It won’t be only theory; I’ll also show you how to create different data models using Vertabelo.
What Is a Many-to-Many Relationship in a Database? An Explanation with Three Examples
What is a many-to-many relationship in database modeling? How do you implement this relationship in a database? The examples in this article will answer these questions.
Many-to-many relationships are probably the trickiest relationships to show in a database. So, my first step in this article will be to explain what they are. Then I’ll move on to giving you several examples of many-to-many relationships, keeping them as close to real life as possible.
Common ER Diagram Mistakes
Get to know the ER (Entity Relationship) diagram, its parts, and what often goes wrong when creating it.
Have you ever created a relational database model? Or maybe you're trying to create your first one? You know (or you'll soon find out) that translating real-world problems to database logic can sometimes be quite difficult.
One of the tools that might help you is the ER diagram. Common database design wisdom holds that the better your ER diagram, the easier it will be to build the database model.
Payroll Data Model
A payroll data model allows you to easily calculate your employees’ salary. How does this model work?
No matter whether you’re running a small or large company, you need some kind of payroll solution. That’s where a payroll application comes in handy. Plus, the bigger the company, the harder it gets to handle the employees' salary calculations; here, a payroll application becomes a necessity. To help you understand all the data required for such an application, we’ll walk you through a related data model.
A Library Data Model
What data model would allow you to comfortably search for books and borrow them in your local library?
Have you ever gone to a library and borrowed a book? Maybe that seems old-fashioned in today's world of instant internet knowledge and e-books. But I'm sure there's still this analog part of you that still likes to smell, touch, and read books. Or maybe you were forced to use a library when you couldn't find something on the internet!
A Data Model for Online Concert Ticket Sales
What kind of data model makes online concert ticketing work?
Have you ever been to a concert? I'm sure you have. And I bet you purchased your ticket online. Online shops let us buy tickets to concerts by our favorite artists without leaving our comfortable homes. We can find a venue or a location (even one that’s not near us), choose a seat, and get our tickets delivered instantly through email – or maybe we’ll wait several days and get the tickets delivered.
A Data Model for an Online Musical Equipment Shop
What kind of data model supports an online musical equipment store?
Musical equipment shops used to be one of those old-fashioned industries, one that you wouldn't expect could (or should) adapt to the online world. It wasn't unreasonable to paint such a picture. After all, you can't choose your ideal guitar based solely on magazine pictures, can you? Musicians and wannabe-musicians need to try various instruments, hearing and feeling how each one responds when played.