Author: Shamal Jayawardhana
Shamal is a senior software consultant and educator with 20+ years of experience. He has an MBA from London Metropolitan University and a graduate diploma in IT from the British Computer Society. He also holds professional certification from the Australian Computer Society. Shamal hails from Sri Lanka and loves listening to English, Spanish, and Sinhalese songs.
Create an Online Data Model in 4 Steps
Learn how to use four simple steps and a data modeling tool to create a database diagram online.
Creating database diagrams (aka data modeling) is an essential part of modern database development projects. A good data model is to a database what a strong foundation is to a skyscraper. Due to the availability of modern data modeling tools, this has become a straightforward process.
What Is Data Modeling? Data modeling is the process of identifying and graphically representing the data elements and entities along with their attributes, relationships, operations, etc.
Best Database Modeling Tools for Redshift
Amazon Redshift has become one of the most popular Cloud databases. Which database diagram tools are the best for Redshift? Let's find out!
Redshift is Amazon's Cloud-based database system. First announced in 2012, Redshift is a data warehouse product designed for analytical systems. It can handle huge volumes of data – up to 1 petabyte (1024 TB). It is considered a DaaS (Database as a Service) solution and is part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud ecosystem.
Top 7 Database Schema Design Tools
Database schema design tools are essential in your toolkit if you are a database professional. Your database development journey begins with these tools. Let's read on to find out the top database schema design tools.
This article lists my top database schema design tools with their key features. These tools are important since we start our database development journey with data modeling using a database design tool.
Data modeling is a step-by-step process of arranging data entities in an information system, starting from concepts up to building your physical database.
What's the Best Database Modeling Tool for Students?
Hey students! Are you searching for a data modeling tool you can use to explore the world of databases? Read on and find out the best data modeler options for you.
Data modeling is analyzing, identifying, and graphically presenting the data involved in a business process. It’s used to develop a database system. The three phases most models go through are conceptual, logical, and physical data modeling. Although several diagrams can be used to draw a data model, the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is the most common choice.
What's the Best ER Diagram Tool for Oracle?
Want to start your next Oracle database project? Find out the best Oracle ER diagram tool and save yourself some time and extra work!
Oracle is one of the best and most popular database management systems (DBMSs) in the world. Many database architects prefer to use Oracle because of its easy networking and interaction, cross-platform service, simple administration and maintenance, and other benefits. On the other hand, an ER diagram (entity-relationship diagram) is an essential tool for data modeling.
What ERD Tools Can I Use to Create an ER Diagram?
As a database professional, the ER diagram should be an essential part of your toolkit. In this article, we’ll briefly examine data modeling and which ERD tools best meet database design requirements.
What is data modeling, and how does an entity-relationship diagram (ER diagram or ERD) support it?
'Data modeling' is the process of arranging all the related data in an information system graphically, starting from scratch and going step by step through different phases to develop the physical database.
The Best ER Diagram Tool for Mac Users
Are you a data modeler who uses Mac OS? Read on and find out the best ERD tool for Mac.
Data modeling is an essential part of your database development project. Choosing the best ER diagram tool for your project is critical.
If you proceed without a proper data model, your database project may fail. You may want to read more about why you need data modeling.
There are hundreds of tools available as online ER diagram tools, desktop ERD tools, or both.
Best Database Tools for 2022
Another successful year is coming to an end. Time to get prepared for 2022! You should equip yourself with the best database tools so that you can outshine your competitors and delight your clients in the coming year. Read on and let’s get ready to take on the challenges in 2022.
Building and maintaining a database is not a simple process; it requires the right database tools. Different activities are included, such as modeling data, developing and managing physical databases, querying, programming, testing, performing administration functions, and making modifications, among others.
Online or Desktop Er Diagram Tool
Online or desktop ERD tool – are you puzzled about which one to choose? Read on to understand which one is best suited for your organization.
ER diagrams (ERDs, or entity relationship diagrams) are crucial in database projects, so choosing the right ERD tool is vital. Building a database system without an ER diagram is like building a skyscraper without a foundation.
ER diagram tools are some of the most important among all the tools used in a database project.
What’s the Best ER Diagram Tool for PostgreSQL?
Data modeling for PostgreSQL is no longer a challenge. Read on and learn about the best tool for PostgreSQL ER diagrams.
PostgreSQL, a.k.a. Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It has become popular for database development among major organizations such as Instagram, Skype, and Netflix.
Since the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) is an essential tool in data modeling, it’s worth the effort to find the perfect ERD tools that support Postgres.