Author: Lisandro Fernigrini
Lisandro is a Database Architect from Rosario, Argentina. With almost 20 years of experience in Oracle and SQL Server, among other database engines, he currently works as Sr. Data Engineer on OZ Digital Consulting. He is also a member of both the Oracle ACE program and the Argentina Oracle User Group. In his free time, he enjoys watching his soccer team (Rosario Central) with his two sons.
Database Design for Multi-Language Applications
While some software systems are used by a limited number of users speaking the same language, most organizations need to unify and centralize their applications to be used by people speaking different languages all around the world. Multilanguage databases present an additional level of difficulty in designing and implementing data models. In this article, we suggest some approaches for dealing with this challenge.
What Information Do We Need to Store in Multiple Languages?
How to Store Login Data in a Database
Figuring out authentication is part of a secure data storage strategy. Find out how to store auth data safely in your database.
Almost every application requires user authentication; that is why authentication data storage is a common feature of database and application design. Special attention is needed to ensure data is kept secure and to avoid breaches that can compromise sensitive information.
Do I Need Authentication or Authorization? Although both words are frequently used in a similar way, they do not mean the same thing.
5 Examples of a UNIQUE Constraint in a Relational Database
5 Examples of a UNIQUE Constraint in a Relational Database UNIQUE constraints help guarantee your data model integrity. This article walks you through 5 examples of UNIQUE constraints in a relational database.
Relational databases allow us to define different kinds of constraints (like UNIQUE) to implement integrity rules and ensure that data complies with them. UNIQUE constraints guarantee that no duplicate information is entered in a column (or that no set of columns has the same combination of values).
What Are the Different Types of Database Constraints?
Database constraints are a key feature of database management systems. They ensure that rules defined at data model creation are enforced when the data is manipulated ( inserted, updated, or deleted) in a database.
Constraints allow us to rely on the database to ensure integrity, accuracy, and reliability of the data stored in it. They are different from validations or controls we define at application or presentation layers; nor do they depend on the experience or knowledge of the users interacting with the system.
What Is a Database Index, and What Does It Do?
Understand what a database index does and how it can improve SQL query performance.
Modern databases store terabytes or petabytes of data and are a key resource for organizational operations and decision-making. A database index is a special data structure that allows quick access to specific pieces of information without having to read all data stored in a particular table. They ensure database performance in transactional environments.
How Does a Database Index Enhance Access to Information?
8 Advantages of an Online ER Diagram Tool
ER diagram tools are a key component in software development. Whether you are designing a new system or feature from scratch or analyzing and applying changes to an existing solution, you need an ERD modeling program. Using an online ERD diagram tool allows you to start working immediately, without worrying about installation and setup. Plus, online ERD tools enable quick collaboration and easy access to your data models.
You may have heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”.
How to Choose a Good Primary Key
In an SQL database, the primary key is an essential part of any table. Choosing the right primary key for each table requires us to take different factors into consideration if we want to guarantee simplicity, adaptability, and performance.
A primary key (PK) is a specific type of database constraint. It guarantees that the column (or columns) that are part of it do not accept NULL values and that the value (or combination of values) entered for each row is unique.
What Is a Business or Natural Key?
A natural key is used to provide simple, easy-to-remember values (or set of values) that are meaningful to the business as an identifier for each row, rather than using business-agnostic, system-generated values as primary keys for database tables.
Before getting into detail about what a natural key is, you might want to read the article “On Keys” to fully understand the concept of keys in a database model and their different types.
What Is a Surrogate Key?
A surrogate key is a type of primary key used in most database tables. It provides a simple, system-generated, business-agnostic column. This column is used as an identifier for each row rather than relying on pre-existing attributes. Learn more, including why surrogate keys are widely used, below.
Before learning about surrogate keys in detail, consider reading the article “On Keys.” This will help you fully understand the concept of keys in a database model and the different types that exist.
8 Things to Consider When Creating a Physical Data Model
Designing a clear physical data model can be challenging – especially when you don’t stop to consider these eight critical areas. Get our expert tips on creating a better physical model.
A physical model is the technical implementation of a logical data model. It has a higher level of detail and is specifically created for a particular database vendor, taking into account that database management system’s technical features and restrictions.