Tag: Wordpress Er Diagram

WordPress – Behind the Scenes, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I demonstrated how to install WordPress locally and how to import a WordPress database into Vertabelo. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the tables in the WordPress database. A Quick Look at the WordPress Database Model and the Dashboard In the previous part, I imported the WordPress database into our online database modeling tool. For the record, the structure of the database is as follows:

WordPress – Behind the Scenes, Part 1

How often have you wondered about the structure of an existing database? It could be a 5-year-old legacy system or a brand-new open-source project. Let’s take a look at the ERD diagram of the database behind the most famous content management system: WordPress. What Is WordPress and How Does It Work? WordPress is an open-source CMS (content management system) that was initially released in 2003. It started out as a blogging platform, but it has developed so much that today it can be used for almost anything.

WordPress Database Finally Unveiled!!!

Sorry for that tabloid title, but I couldn’t resist. I’m going to show you how to view the database design of other people’s systems. It will work for legacy systems as well. Of course, you may call show tables and describe table in the database console but that’s a very rudimentary way to examine the structure. You’ll miss a bird’s eye view of the design which is crucial to understanding a system as a whole.

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