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How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo

How can you copy a column from one table to another in your data model? In Vertabelo, this can be done very easily.

Open the model and select the table with the column(s) you want to copy. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see the Table properties menu with all the columns listed. On the left of each column’s name, there is a column selector. Click on the selector(s) of the column(s) you want to copy. Multiple columns can be selected by pressing and holding Ctrl while you click.

How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo

Click the Copy icon on the top menu bar or press Ctrl+C.

How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo

Next, click on the destination table.

How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo

Click the Paste button on the top menu bar (or click Ctrl+V).

How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo

It works!

How to Copy a Column in Vertabelo
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