Author: Lisandro Fernigrini
Lisandro is a Database Architect from Rosario, Argentina. With almost 20 years of experience in Oracle and SQL Server, among other database engines, he currently works as Sr. Data Engineer on OZ Digital Consulting. He is also a member of both the Oracle ACE program and the Argentina Oracle User Group. In his free time, he enjoys watching his soccer team (Rosario Central) with his two sons.
What Is an ER Diagram?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then entity-relationship diagrams (or ER diagrams) are a priceless way to visually explain the structure and behavior of a software solution. Learn how to make your own ERDs with the Vertabelo online data modeler!
The term entity-relationship diagram and its abbreviations ER diagram and ERD are frequently used when designing and implementing databases. What are these entities and relationships we’re diagramming?
What Are Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models?
Depending on the purpose, we may need to create either a conceptual, logical, or physical data model. Find out the differences and use cases for each one.
Data modeling implies identifying and defining entities and their relationships for a business solution. It requires a good understanding of the desired business outcome and is the foundation for creating a robust software solution.
The different model types (conceptual, logical, and physical) have different levels of detail and are used at different stages of the software development process.
What Is a One-to-Many Relationship in a Database? An Explanation with Examples
One-to-many relationships are one of the most common database relationships. If you want to learn when and how to use one-to-many relationships, then this article is a great starting point.
You will surely use one-to-many relationships to store information in any relational database, whether you are designing enterprise-level software or just creating a simple database to keep track of your uncle’s stamp collection.
A Brief Introduction to the Relational Model Relational databases are a core component of any modern transactional application.