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Tip #3 - How to copy table between models

Did you know that you can copy tables between models in Vertabelo? It’s useful for instance with tables that appear in almost every database model like user_account, address, client or product, or with tables that are specific for your domain. You don’t have to create all these tables from scratch.

Open the model which contains the tables you want to copy and click to select them. Note that you can hold down the Ctrl key if you want to select objects located in different parts of your model:

Using Ctrl + Click select the tables you want to copy and paste to another database model

Then, copy these elements. You can use Ctrl + C or click the Copy icon in the top menu bar:

Click the ‘Copy’ icon in the top menu bar to copy selected objects to the clipboard

Now, switch to another model:

Click the current model’s name in the top left corner to choose another model you want to switch to

Click the Paste icon (or Ctrl + V):

Click ‘Paste’ in the top menu bar to paste copied objects from the clipboard into your current model

All copied elements are now pasted in the model:

All copied elements are now pasted in the model

Moreover, you can copy and paste chosen tables together with all references between them. To do this faster and more convenient, you can use the Select area tool:

Choose the ‘Select area’ tool if you want to select all objects within the specified area

With this tool you can select all objects located within the specified area:

Using the ‘Select area’ tool, drag a rectangular marquee around all objects you want to copy

Now, you have all desired objects selected and ready to be copied:

Now, the entire group of objects is selected. You can copy it by pressing Ctrl + C

Click the Copy icon (or Ctrl + C), then switch to another database model, and finally paste the clipboard into it. A complete piece of the model is now copied and ready to use:

After switching to another model, press Ctrl + V to paste the entire group

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